Grow Your Business with a Technology Upgrade
Gain access to the insights and solutions needed to fully take control of your business. The insurance industry is in a constant state of change and getting increasing more complex. The ability to simplify all the elements of your business and stay on top of the shifts is crucial to your sustained success.
CSG Actuarial combines all of the elements of your business into a comprehensive set of tools that keeps you prepared, ahead of your competition, and able to run your business with confidence.

Quote & Enroll
With the constantly changing senior insurance market, we analyze all of the information so you don’t have to. Compare, select and enroll your clients in the best product combination that fits their specific needs.
Market Advisor makes it easy for you to create client profiles, generate accurate quotes and data analysis for all senior market products, then enroll. Save time, make informed decisions and better serve your customers – all on one platform.

Convert your website visitors into Medicare Supplement leads. Market Prospect allows your customers the ability to do their own research on your website.
Get access to their information as a warm lead. This easy-to-use website plug-in is branded with your logo and colors. Be on the cutting edge with the tools your prospects are looking for.

e-Scope & Document Storage
This standardized electronic Scope of Appointment form creates a seamless experience for you and your customer during this first step in the Medicare Advantage and Part D sales process.
The document repository further integrates your system with a standards-compliant electronic storage and recovery repository for the all client documents you need to keep.

Market Data
MarketEdge is the ultimate sales and marketing research tool, leveraging the millions of quotes ran on the quoting platform.
Increase your competitive edge in the Medicare market by understanding the marketplace trends – at a glance. The forecasting features and product data is plotted on a map, chart or table format for easy assessment and analysis.